Weaving is so much more than tossing the shuttle to create fabric. I wanted to showcase the process from natty yarn to finished wrap in photographs.
This is not a “how to” post and there are also different ways you can do some of the steps and in a different order etc, but this is how I created the latest wrap – North Slings 18 De Schat.
Step 1: Make one or multiple warp chains.
Step 2: Scour and prepare the yarn.
Natty yarn can be quite dirty from the spinning process.
Step 3: find somewhere to dye and mix the dyes.
Step 4: dye the warp.
Step 5: Leave the warp to batch.
Step 6: Rinse the warp.
Step 7: Hang the warp to dry.
Warp dyed and ready:
Step 8: Prepare the warp for the loom.
Step 9: Dress the loom.
Step 10: Thread the heddles:
Step 11: Sley the reed.
Step 12: Tie the warp onto the front apron road .
Step 13: Connect the shafts to the treadles in correct pattern.
Step 14: Test the pattern with high contrast yarn and look for threading mistakes.
Step 15: Prepare and scour the weft yarn.
Step 16: Dye the weft.
Step 17: Rinse and dry the weft.
Step 18: Wind the weft onto pirns.
Step 19: Finally – weaving!
Step 20: Twist fringes or hem the ends:
Step 21: Wet finish and dry the wrap (forgot to take a photo of this 😅)
Step 22: Make middle markers.
Voila – wrap finished 💙